Cataracts are common, age-related clouding of the clear lens that covers the eye. Though they are not dangerous or threatening to the health of the eye, cataracts can be an inconvenience when performing seemingly routine tasks, such as reading, driving, cooking, or watching TV. Cataracts often start small and evolve into larger vision obstructions. Some of the most common symptoms of cataracts include clouded and blurred vision, as well as impaired night vision, light sensitivity, or seeing halos around lights. Treatment for cataracts usually begins conservatively using eyeglasses or simply turning on brighter lights. But as cataracts progress, they may require vision restoration surgery.

Did you know…

that more than 50 percent of Americans age 80 or older either have at least one eye cataract or otherwise have already had one or more cataracts removed? The risk of getting cataracts increases with age, but that doesn’t mean that younger people in their 40’s and 50’s can’t get them too. The surgeons at South Shore Eye Care in Wantagh and Massapequa offer the latest technology in cataract surgery. They offer the femtosecond laser cataract surgery as a gentle, precise method to clear cataracts as well as premium lenses to help patients reduce their dependence on glasses or contacts. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I see an eye doctor about cataracts?

Although you should be seeing your eye doctor regularly for eye exams, it is important to make an appointment at the first sign of vision changes. If you have not had any vision changes, but your are age 60 or older, you should be getting a comprehensive dilated eye exam and the minimum of one time every two years.

What should I expect if I need cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is a very safe procedure performed every day across the U.S. If you require surgery on both eyes, note that only one eye will be operated on at a time. During the surgery, your eye will be numbed and you may be placed under sedation to help you relax during the procedure. Using a special instrument – often a laser – your eye doctor will carefully remove the clouded lens from your eye and replace it with an artificial one made of silicone, plastic, or acrylic. Because cataract removal is an outpatient procedure, you should be able to return home the same day as your surgery.

Will I need to follow-up with my eye doctor or follow any post-operative instructions?

Cataract surgery is successful in about 98 percent of all cases. Following the post-operative instructions of your eye doctor can help improve your chances of a positive outcome. You will experience some mild itching following your surgery, as well as some sensitivity to light. Be sure to use the eye drops prescribed to you in the days following your procedure and avoid lifting heavy objects or putting pressure on the eyes during the healing period.

Botox is a safe, FDA-approved cosmetic treatment that has been popular among healthy American men and women since its FDA approval in 2002. Millions of people have undergone Botox injections to help smooth facial lines and restore a younger appearance. Botox is injected into the facial muscles, helping to block nerve impulses and relax the muscles. Without contracting facial muscles, lines become less evident and are prevented from worsening.

According to American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery…

Botox was the most frequently administered non-surgical cosmetic treatment in the United States for 2012. More than 4 million people underwent Botox injections – up approximately 10 percent over the year before. Demand for minimally invasive aesthetic treatments continues to rise, and Botox is at the forefront.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I undergo Botox treatment?

Although many patients are candidates for Botox injections, it is not for everyone. You must be a healthy adult between the ages of 18 and 65 to qualify for Botox injections. Botox works best along the brow, where the face is prone to indention and sagging. For more information about Botox and whether it is right for you, schedule a consultation with us at your earliest convenience.

What should I expect during a Botox injection?

Botox is a rapid cosmetic treatment that takes just minutes to perform from the comfort of our office. The injection is administered using a very fine needle that induces only mild discomfort. You can return to work immediately after the injection.

How long do the results last with Botox treatment?

You will begin to notice the effects of your Botox injection within just a few days. The results will continue to improve over the course of approximately 4 weeks and may remain for up to 6 months.


Smooth, youthful skin is the desire of most people – especially as age, genetics and environmental factors begin putting years of mileage on the face. Over time, the skin starts to lose its elasticity and volume, resulting in the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Juvederm helps to restore volume and smoothness by replacing depleted hyaluronic acid just beneath the skin. When injected into the dermal layers, hyaluronic acid binds to water molecules, giving the face a fuller appearance in targeted areas. Dermatologists use Juvederm to treat many different types of lines and wrinkles though it is most frequently used as a dermal filler for smile lines and marionette lines around the mouth.

Did you know…

that dermal fillers like Juvederm are among the most requested cosmetic procedures in the U.S.? Juvederm is minimally invasive and can be performed in just minutes in the privacy of a dermatologist’s office. In fact, Juvederm has become so accessible, that it is now being used by millions of people worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Could I be a candidate for Juvederm treatments?

Juvederm may be right for you if you are bothered by deep lines or facial folds, but are in search of a non-surgical way of addressing them. The FDA deems Juvederm safe and effective for most people though you should consult with your dermatologist before undergoing treatments.

What should I expect during Juvederm treatments?

Juvederm injections are administered in the comfort of your dermatologist’s office. The gel contains both hyaluronic acid and lidocaine, the latter of which is responsible for helping numb the skin and minimize discomfort. Your doctor will need only minutes to complete the injection, and in most cases, you can return to work or other activities immediately after.

What type of results can I expect after my appointment?

Juvederm offers instant results. You’ll see a noticeable change in your skin’s appearance before you ever leave the office. Many patients enjoy their results for up to a full year until the gel is safely absorbed by the body. Most Juvederm patients feel that their results are natural in appearance and reflect the natural contours of the face.

Before the 1980s, cataract surgery meant heavy, thick glasses since the eye’s natural lens, clouded and opaque, is completely removed. Intraocular cataract lenses, or IOLs, now replace the natural lens, so bulky corrective eyewear isn’t necessary. Premium IOLs provide even better vision in some cases. The surgeons at South Shore Eye Care in Wantagh and Massapequa, New York, can match the right IOL to your needs.

Why is the Natural Lens Removed During Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts are a common condition that often occurs naturally with aging but may also result from an injury to the eye, a complication of a disease, or as a side effect of medication, such as with the long-term use of corticosteroid eye drops.

Typically developing over a long period of time, the lens of one eye or both starts to cloud, affecting the resolving ability of the affected eye. Eventually, this clouding, left untreated, causes blindness. The only treatment for cataracts is surgery that removes the cloudy lens. When both your eyes are affected, two surgeries are typically performed, a month or two apart.

What Happens After the Lens is Removed?

Prior to the introduction of IOLs, the eye simply healed after surgery and special corrective eyewear was prescribed to handle all of the vision correction formerly handled by the natural lens. IOLs represent natural lens replacements and are implanted in the eye during cataract surgery.

Single-vision IOLs eliminate the need for heavy cataract vision correction but still have limited ability to correct eyesight on their own. Premium IOLs introduce advanced features that more closely imitate natural eyesight.

What Features Do Premium IOL’s Offer?

Your eye’s natural lens has an aspherical shape. Standard IOLs have a regular spherical shape that doesn’t resemble a natural lens.

Aspherical IOLs, on the other hand, more closely resemble the natural lens, with an uneven curvature that reduces the number of aberrations that a spherical lens introduces. Premium aspherical IOLs typically produce better low-light vision and improved performance in these conditions, which makes driving at night possible.

Toric IOLs can also correct for astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness. If you have one of these refractory issues as well as cataracts, both issues may be addressed with a premium toric IOL. Since IOLs don’t have the shape-changing ability of a natural eye lens, corrective eyewear may still be required after the procedure, but these will be similar to normal eyeglasses or contacts, not the heavy “bottle” lenses formerly associated with post-cataract surgery patients.

Some types of laser eye surgery, such as LASIK, may be performed after toric IOLs are placed to further reduce the effects of astigmatism.

LASIK is a laser eye surgery used to correct refractive errors of the eye. Patients usually opt for LASIK when they tire of wearing corrective lenses, such as contacts or glasses. Although there are no guarantees for treatment, the vast majority of LASIK patients report monumental improvements in their vision – many with 20/20. LASIK eye surgery has a tremendous success rate, with approximately 97 percent of patients reporting satisfactory results.

Did you know…

that in 2001, LASIK refractive eye surgery became the most common elective surgery in America? Since that time, millions of people have had their vision corrected with LASIK in more than 1,000 LASIK eye centers across the country. LASIK’s excellent track record has made it a popular choice for vision correction in the U.S. It is so safe, that there has never been a single instance of blindness reported as a result of LASIK treatment!

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for LASIK?

You could be a candidate for LASIK if you are at least 18 years of age and suffer from a refractive error that impairs your vision. You must have had stable vision for a minimum of 1 year prior to your treatment date, and your eyes must be healthy and free of diseases and infections. To find out more about LASIK and whether you are a candidate for the procedure, contact your eye doctor today.

What should I expect during LASIK surgery?

Your eye doctor will numb your eyes using anesthetic eye drops. Once your eye is numb, your doctor will create a flap on your eye and lift it to expose the cornea. Your vision may become very blurry, but that is normal. A cool laser will reshape your corneal tissue, and the flap will be placed gently back over your eye. It is normal to experience some irritation in your eye in the hours immediately following your surgery, but this should subside by the morning after your procedure.

Will I need to follow any special instructions after my treatment?

Your eye will heal quickly, but it is important to avoid rubbing it or applying pressure to it in the days following your procedure. After resting the day of your procedure, you may be capable of returning to work as soon as the following day. As a precaution, you may be advised to avoid wearing eye make-up or applying any topical products to the area around your eyes in the first 14 days following LASIK surgery.

Cataracts are a common eye condition that causes the natural lens of the eye to become clouded. The result is distorted and obstructed vision that impairs the ability to complete daily tasks, like driving and reading. Although cataracts are not a direct hazard to one’s health, they do restrict the quality of life. Many patients turn to an ophthalmologist to undergo cataracts surgery, which can bring back vision clarity and restore self-sufficiency.

Cataract surgery works by removing the old, clouded lens of the eye and replacing it with an artificial one. These lenses are composed of clear silicone, acrylic or plastic and are placed during an outpatient procedure. Some patients opt for laser cataract surgery as the latest technology used to remove cataracts. 

Did you know…

Femto second cataract surgery or laser cataract surgery is a good option for patients looking for a gentler, more precise way to remove their cataracts. The laser is used to reduce mild astigmatism of the eye and can optimize the clarity of your vision during cataract surgery. This is an optional upgrade to standard cataract surgery so it is not covered by your insurance. However, financing options are available.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for cataracts surgery?

You may be a candidate for cataracts surgery if you have cataracts that are blurring your vision or making it difficult to drive at night. Waiting to have cataract surgery does not cause harm to your eye, but it can allow cataracts to grow bigger and further distort your vision. Talk to your ophthalmologist about scheduling a consultation to find out if cataracts surgery is right for you.

What should I expect during a cataracts surgery?

If you have cataracts surgery, you can expect to be awake for the procedure. However, sedation may be offered for your comfort. Your eye will be numbed, and your ophthalmologist will gently remove and replace its natural lens. The procedure itself usually takes just minutes to perform, though preparation and immediate recovery usually require an hour from start to finish. Keep in mind that if you have cataracts in both eyes, your ophthalmologist will likely operate on them in separate surgeries.

Will I need to follow any special post-procedural care instructions?

Most patients recover from cataract surgery with little or no complications. You’ll wear an eye shield for several hours after surgery, as well as during sleep for the first few days following the procedure. It will take some time for your vision to adjust to the new intraocular lens, so do not be concerned if you are unable to see with perfect acuity immediately after your surgery.