Diabetic retinopathy refers to an eye disease that can lead to vision loss and potential blindness in people diagnosed with diabetes. The condition is triggered by high blood sugar which damages blood vessels in the retina.

The Two Forms of Diabetic Retinopathy

NPDR (non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy)

NPDR occurs when small blood vessels leak leading to swelling in the retina. The macula, the part of the retina at the back of your eye, swells causing macular edema. There is a high possibility that the blood vessels will shut down leading to macular ischemia. As a result, blood cannot enter the macula and your vision begins to suffer. 

PDR (proliferative diabetic retinopathy)

PDR is more complex and a dangerous form of diabetic retinopathy. It affects both your central and peripheral vision. Neovascularization results causing the retina to grow new blood vessels. It is common for the vessels to bleed into the vitreous and prevent you from being able to see anything. Unfortunately, the blood vessels can also create scar tissue resulting in a detached retina.


If you were recently diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy you may start to have trouble reading, seeing objects at long distances or experience vision discrepancies. Common signs to look out for include:

  1. Blurred vision
  2. Floaters
  3.  Blank or dark spots in your vision
  4. Colors fading
  5. Trouble seeing at night
  6. Eye strain
  7. Flashing lights
  8. Redness
  9. Blindness

According to the CDC, these symptoms are most common in one-third of adults over age 40 years old with diabetes. The demographics most affected include African Americans and Mexican Americans.


If you were recently diagnosed, your healthcare provider may suggest to wait a while before taking action to gage how your eyesight is doing over a period of time. It is common to require frequent eye exams to monitor the progress. If your vision worsens the following treatment options may be recommended:

If you were recently diagnosed with diabetes, Contact our office and request an appointment at one of our locations. Call 516-785-3900 (Wantagh office) or 516-541-4141 (Massapequa office) to schedule an appointment. Our ophthalmologists will talk with you about your vision complications and the best options for you.

Sources: CDCAmerican Academy of OphthalmologyNational Eye Institute

At South Shore Eye Care, ensuring we offer the best IOL’s will set all our patients up for success. Our priority is to make sure every patient that walks out the door feels that their vision has improved. 


Our eyes are our vision system cameras. Images enter the eyes which send the information to the brain. Each eye has a focusing lens. The lens begins life very flexible and clear. As we age the lens hardens and eventually clouds. This is called a CATARACT. Cataract visual loss can also occur from injury, some medications, and medical conditions.  

When blurriness alters our ability to read, drive, enjoy TV, etc., repair becomes necessary. We replace the clouded natural lens with a new lens (made of plastic) to restore clear vision. These are called Intra-Ocular Lenses or IOL’s.

What are the types of IOLs?

IOLs have been available for over 30 years.  The materials and styles have evolved to give better visual quality. There are a variety of features.


These lenses are like the original lenses we first had available. They are of one focusing power so they could correct, say distance vision, but the intermediate and near ranges would require the patient to wear reading glasses or bifocals to see at near.


These newer technology IOLs help us have surgical results with less dependence on glasses:


In addition to cataract, uneven eye surface shape distorts the vision. This is astigmatism

This can leave patients still in need of glasses after cataract surgery. TORIC IOLs can neutralize the distortion, resulting in sharper vision. (Near and Mid-Range still are under-corrected).


Clear vision correction for distance, but difficulty with the Intermediate and Near Range, spurred the creation of lens for both distance AND near.  

We have a variety of lenses that reduce the eyeglass dependence for both distance and near! Patients frequently need none!

And YES, there are astigmatism correcting TORIC EDOF and TORIC MULTIFOCAL IOL’s, so most cataract repair focusing problems can be successfully handled!

If you are interested in exploring the options for cataract surgery, Contact our office and request an appointment at one of our locations. Call 516-785-3900 (Wantagh office) or 516-541-4141 (Massapequa office) to schedule an appointment. Our ophthalmologists will talk with you about your lens options and advise what will work best for you. 

At South Shore Eye Care your vision is our focus.

Adapting healthy habits such as eating the right foods or exercising can prevent common eye conditions such as glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration. According to George Town EDU, 20 million Americans have vision impairments. Changing your lifestyle can lead to long-term benefits that can help prevent you from developing a common eye condition.

Foods with key nutrients for your diet

As you plan out your meals for the week it is important to include key vitamins and minerals. Foods that include nutrients vital for your daily intake can lead to a better immune system and decrease the risk of vision disorders. The following is a list of foods to consider:

  1. Vitamin A: Tomatoes, red bell peppers, cantaloupe, eggs beef, lamb, liver sausage salmon, sweetpotatoes, pumpkin, leafy green vegetables, squash
  2. Vitamin C: Asparagus, citrus, strawberries, guavas, parsley, kale, kiwi, mustard spinach, broccoli, oranges, grapefruit
  3. Vitamin E: Peanuts, beet greens, collard greens, spinach, pumpkin, almonds, sunflower seeds, hazel nuts, pine nuts, avocado, mango, turnip greens, octopus, lobster
  4. Lutein: Romaine lettuce, corn, eggs, pistachios, green peas, brussel sprouts, carrots, collards, arugula, spinach, pumpkin, broccoli
  5. Zinc: Red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, seeds, crab, fish, shiitake mushrooms, oysters, oats, tofu, chickpeas, yogurt

Too often people gravitate towards a sugary drink or dessert with a high sugar content. Making this a habit can lead to type 2 diabetes and heart disease that can cause diabetic retinopathy. By making simple dietary adjustments, you can set yourself up to maintain healthy vision.

Activities that help with hand-eye coordination

Eye health can be managed by being active a few times a week. Whether you are working out in your house or at the park, spending at least 30 minutes doing cardio will help to stimulate the brain and improve hand-eye coordination. Here are a few ways you can exercise to get your eyes stimulated:

  1. Running. Turn on your music and sprint to your hearts content. Performing this exercise will help mitigate risk of aged-related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma. As you hum to your favorite tune, eye-disease fighting antioxidants are released.
  2. Tennis. As you go back and forth with your opponent your eyes are constantly having to adjust to note the different points the ball lands. This activity helps to increase your blood pressure and ensure your retinal function is in the best shape.
  3. Golf. Being able to accurately judge the distance from the ball to the flag requires great depth perception. To achieve some yards, it is imperative you have excellent hand-eye coordination. 
  4. Fencing. This highly technical sport requires sharp visual perception and visual acuity that can quickly pinpoint where the opponent is attempting to land their sword. 
  5. Cycling. If you peddle for one hour a day this can cause an influx of enzymes that specialize in preventing eye infections and inflammation. 

To maintain a healthy mind, you must implement healthy habits. If you are experiencing vision discrepancies, Contact our office and request an appointment at one of our locations. Call 516-785-3900 (Wantagh office) or 516-541-4141 (Massapequa office) to schedule an appointment. Our ophthalmologists will talk with you about your vision complications and the best options for you.

Source: Health Harvard

As kids are going back to school it is important to prioritize eye health and to be educated on how to take care of your vision. According to the CDC, 6.8% of children younger than 18 years old in the United States have a diagnosed eye and vision condition. Thousands of kids struggle with undiagnosed vision disorders because they are too embarrassed to express their concerns. 

Signs you are experiencing vision issues

With schools becoming more competitive, having the ability to see clearly is imperative. By ignoring eye health issues, students can fall behind educationally, have self-esteem issues and run the possibility of prolonging eye diseases and other health issues. 

Signs to look for in the classroom:

  1. Discomfort and fatigue. Studying for a prolonged period on a device can cause eye strain and headaches.
  2. Lack of academic growth. If eye diseases remain undiagnosed, students are susceptible to poor performance in school and struggling to retain material. 
  3. Short attention span. The teacher may be talking, and a student may think their pencil is the most interesting subject. This behavior is common when material is difficult to see and ultimately understand.
  4. Holding a laptop or book close to the face. If you do this frequently, exhibiting eye motions such as squinting or widening the eyes can contribute to worsening discrepancies.
  5. Trouble when reading. When a teacher calls on you to read a paragraph forgetting your place in a sentence or not comprehending content is abnormal. 

If you ignore these signs, you may become part of “more than 600,00 children and teens who are blind or have a vision disorder”. Acknowledging your vision impairments is the first step, the next is contacting your local eye care clinic to schedule an appointment.

Eye care tips for inside and outside the classroom

Being aware of common vision challenges faced by students is valuable, so is knowing how to deal with them. Taking care of your eyesight is the utmost importance because your eyes help you study, read, and write. If you want to prioritize your vision incorporate the following tips:

  1. Maintain a healthy diet. Include vegetables and fruits such as carrots, bell peppers, sweetpotatoes, and leafy greens into your lunch box. These foods feature nutrients that help support healthy eyes and may prevent or lessen common vision problems.
  2. Limit screentime. Take breaks from your screen and give your eyes a chance to reset.  Go outside, read a book or play a game. 
  3. Exercise. To improve hand-eye coordination, there is value in participating in sports. 
  4. Wear protective eye gear. Invest in purchasing blue light sunglasses to use when on a device. If you have practice for a particular sports activity do not forget to wear shades or googles.
  5. Wash your hands. Doing this a few times a day helps to reduce germs that often enter our bodies when we touch our eyes.

To maintain healthy eyes, you must implement healthy habits. If you are experiencing vision issues, Contact our office and request an appointment at one of our locations. Call 516-785-3900 (Wantagh office) or 516-541-4141 (Massapequa office) to schedule an appointment. Our ophthalmologists will talk with you about your vision complications and options for your treatment.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Throughout the teenage years the body enters puberty which can cause drastic changes to your vision. The importance of your eye health can often be overlooked as homework and school activities become a priority. However, understanding why you should prioritize your vision care is essential to either maintain healthy vision or treat prolonging eye diseases. 

Typical eye conditions found in teens

Three eye conditions that are normally discovered in teens include myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

If you are looking to correct these vision impairments, then opting for glasses or contacts may be your best options. Your doctor will disclose what option is best suited for your prescription and eye shape. 

At this stage of adolescence, teens are in sports activities that may require them to be outside for extended periods of time. This raises concern as they become exposed to other dangerous eye health complications including:

Families and teens should be privy to the conditions that can be detrimental to eye health. 

Tips to maintain healthy vision

To enact healthy eye habits here are few tips you should follow:

  1. Stay away from junk food. Maintaining an unhealthy diet that consists of junk food can lead to constricted blood flow in the arteries. Your vision can become severely affected as the blood vessels that are connected to the eyes begin to have constrictions. 
  2. Be careful in makeup application and your hair care routine. When doing your makeup, it is important to wash your face and have a good moisturizer. All lotions should be applied away from the eye area. Wash your makeup brushes, and beauty blenders at least once a week. Only put your contacts on before starting your makeup to avoid contamination. If applying hair spray and other hair products apply your contacts after the process is completed.
  3. Eat foods that are rich in nutrients. To maintain healthy vision a few foods you should incorporate in your diet include carrots, kale, red bell peppers, salmon, and oysters.

If you have experienced the following eye conditions, Contact our office and request an appointment at one of our locations. Call 516-785-3900 (Wantagh office) or 516-541-4141 (Massapequa office) to schedule an appointment. Our ophthalmologists will talk with you about your vision discrepancies and the best options for you.

Our eyesight is an essential tool vital in completing daily tasks. As we age, our vision begins to deteriorate and we become prone to more eye diseases. According to the CDC, “93% of people in the United States are at risk for vision loss.” Here are 5 tips to maintain healthy vision:

  1. Maintain a healthy diet

Having good eye health starts with planning the right meals for your body. When meal prepping, nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin C, lutein, zinc and Vitamin E must be incorporated into your diet. To decrease your chances of eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts here a few foods you should buy on your weekly grocery trip:

If you forget to wear your sunglasses in 100-degree weather, then you increase your chances of being diagnosed with cataracts or macular degeneration. UV light exposure affects the cornea and lens, which function to absorb light. Too much exposure can lead to permanent damage affecting your central vision. Next time you are in the market for shades make sure they are 100 percent UVA- and UVB-absorbent or UV 400.

Digital eye strain can progress if you are always looking at your laptop or phone. Staring at a screen for a long period can lead to blurry vision, difficulty looking at long distances, and headaches. To prevent vision discrepancies here are some suggestions:

If you work in a lab or have a job where you have regular contact with chemicals use safety glasses or protective googles.

Being active in sports such as hockey or football can lead to eye injuries. Make sure to wear your uniform, padding and face/eye gear to ensure you are protecting your eyes from long term damage.

Attending your annual eye exam can lead to prescription changes and discovering an eye or health disease. It is imperative to attend your appointments to receive treatments and take care of your vision. Having your yearly visit may include:

If you have not gone to your annual checkup, Contact our office and request an appointment at one of our locations. Call 516-785-3900 (Wantagh office) or 516-541-4141 (Massapequa office) to schedule an appointment. Our ophthalmologists will talk with you about your vision discrepancies and the best options for you.

Source: Web MD

Throughout the teenage years the body enters puberty which can cause drastic changes to your vision. The importance of your eye health can often be overlooked as homework and school activities become a priority. However, understanding why you should prioritize your vision care is essential to either maintain healthy vision or treat prolonging eye diseases. 

Typical eye conditions found in teens

Three eye conditions that are normally discovered in teens include myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

If you are looking to correct these vision impairments, then opting for glasses or contacts may be your best options. Your doctor will disclose what option is best suited for your prescription and eye shape. 

At this stage of adolescence, teens are in sports activities that may require them to be outside for extended periods of time. This raises concern as they become exposed to other dangerous eye health complications including:

Families and teens should be privy to the conditions that can be detrimental to eye health. 

Tips to maintain healthy vision

To enact healthy eye habits here are few tips you should follow:

  1. Stay away from junk food. Maintaining an unhealthy diet that consists of junk food can lead to constricted blood flow in the arteries. Your vision can become severely affected as the blood vessels that are connected to the eyes begin to have constrictions. 
  2. Be careful in makeup application and your hair care routine. When doing your makeup, it is important to wash your face and have a good moisturizer. All lotions should be applied away from the eye area. Wash your makeup brushes, and beauty blenders at least once a week. Only put your contacts on before starting your makeup to avoid contamination. If applying hair spray and other hair products apply your contacts after the process is completed.
  3. Eat foods that are rich in nutrients. To maintain healthy vision a few foods you should incorporate in your diet include carrots, kale, red bell peppers, salmon, and oysters.

If you have experienced the following eye conditions, Contact our office and request an appointment at one of our locations. Call 516-785-3900 (Wantagh office) or 516-541-4141 (Massapequa office) to schedule an appointment. Our ophthalmologists will talk with you about your vision discrepancies and the best options for you.

You may be eligible for scleral contact lenses if you’ve had trouble wearing contacts in the past – or you’ve been told you’re not a suitable candidate for contacts.

Most contact lenses sit on top of the cornea (the clear outer layer of the eye) to correct refractive errors and make your vision clearer. Scleral lenses are rigid contact lenses that sit on the sclera (the white part of the eye) instead of the cornea. The space between the scleral lens and the cornea can hold fluid to heal damaged corneas and treat severe dry eye. There has been a significant evolution in contact lens technology over the past few decades. There is a specialty lens option available for nearly everyone today. The scleral contact lens is one of the most versatile types of specialty contacts.

Scleral lenses offer several benefits for various eye conditions. Here are some key advantages of scleral lenses:

  1. Vision Correction: Scleral lenses can correct a wide range of refractive errors, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and irregular corneas. They often achieve sharper and clearer vision than traditional contact lenses or glasses. This is especially important for those with irregular corneas due to conditions like keratoconus, post-surgical corneal irregularities, or corneal scarring.
  2. Comfort: The design of scleral lenses offers enhanced comfort compared to regular contact lenses. The lenses vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera, reducing corneal irritation or discomfort. The liquid reservoir between the lens and the cornea also keeps the eyes hydrated, making them more comfortable. This is especially beneficial for individuals with dry eyes or sensitive eyes.
  3. Stability and Consistency: Due to their larger size and rigid gas-permeable material, scleral lenses offer better stability in the eye. They are less prone to shifting or rotating, which results in more consistent vision correction. This stability is particularly beneficial for individuals with irregular corneas, as it helps to create a smooth optical surface and reduce visual distortions.
  4. Protection: Scleral lenses provide a physical barrier to protect the cornea from external elements, such as dust, allergens, and wind. This can be especially advantageous for people with sensitive or compromised corneas, offering an extra layer of protection against potential irritants or environmental factors.
  5. Long Wear Time: Scleral lenses are designed to be worn for longer periods than regular contact lenses. The liquid reservoir beneath the lens provides continuous hydration and nourishment to the cornea, allowing for extended wear without discomfort. Some individuals may even be able to wear scleral lenses overnight, known as “overnight wear” or “extended wear,” as prescribed by their eye care professional.
  6. Customization: Scleral lenses are individually tailored to fit each person’s unique eye shape and prescription. This customization ensures a precise fit, maximizing comfort and visual acuity. The fitting process involves taking detailed measurements of the eye, including the shape and size of the sclera. This is done to create lenses specifically tailored to the individual’s needs.
  7. Corneal Rehabilitation: Scleral lenses can aid in cornea rehabilitation in certain cases, such as after corneal surgery or in managing corneal irregularities. By providing a protective and supportive environment for the cornea, scleral lenses can contribute to corneal healing and improve visual outcomes.

It’s critical to note that scleral lenses are custom-made to fit each individual’s eye shape and prescription. They require specialized fitting by an eye care professional experienced in fitting scleral lenses. If you are considering scleral lenses, it is best to consult with an optometrist or ophthalmologist who can evaluate your specific needs and determine if they are a suitable option for you.

Think you may be a candidate for scleral lenses? Contact our office and request an appointment at one of our locations. Call 516-785-3900 (Wantagh office) or 516-541-4141 for our Massapequa office to schedule an appointment today. 

Sources: National Eye Institute & American Academy of Ophthalmology

Botox is an FDA approved cosmetic treatment that helps smooth lines to achieve a youthful glow. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, “The most frequently administered non-surgical cosmetic treatment in the United States in 2012 was botox.” Through this procedure fine lines become less apparent and prevent them from worsening.

What can I expect with botox injections? 

As you enter the operating room you may be met with nerves, however, the ophthalmologist performing the procedure will be there to guide you every step of the way. Small injections will be placed with a fine needle across the target areas. The procedure is quick and only takes a few minutes. You should expect to see results within 3-4 days. 

How do you know if you are a candidate for botox?

To qualify for botox you must be a healthy adult between the ages of 18-65. Having wrinkles or crow’s feet are expression lines that are valid reasons for the procedure. 

Post Op Procedures 

After the procedure is complete here are a few house rules to avoid complications:

  1. Do not lie down for 3-4 hours. Doing so may lead to an increase of blood flow to your face causing the botox to lead to other areas. 
  2. Do not engage in any intense physical activity for one day.
  3. Rubbing or applying pressure on any part of your face is not advised.
  4. Do not wear a hat, headband or any type of head gear.

What can I expect with Juvederm injections? 

Juvederm helps to restore volume and smoothness by replacing depleted hyaluronic acid just beneath the skin. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and volume leading to less definition of certain features. This results in people seeking the treatment to achieve smooth skin.

What information should I be aware of? 

Juvederm is a safe procedure that lifts your features and fills in areas that are lacking around your eyes. While it is USDA approved, there are certain precautions you should take before proceeding with the injections including:

  1. Consult with your doctor.

Lidocaine is one of the key ingredients in the injection. If you are allergic, you should consult your doctor to see if this procedure is right for you. 

If you take several medications it can lead to immune system issues, severe bruising, or extensive bleeding.

Post Op procedures

While many people may not want to follow the rules, doing so will result in less complications. Here are some instructions to follow 24 hours after receiving treatment:

Think you may be a candidate for botox or juvederm? Contact our office and request an appointment at one of our locations. Call 516-785-3900 (Wantagh office) or 516-541-4141 (Massapequa office) to schedule an appointment. Our ophthalmologists will talk with you about the risks and benefits of both procedures.

Sources: Brickell Cosmetic Center Aesthetics & Dermatology